Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Welcome to the family!

Isabella came bouncing into the world at 1:19 PM weighing in at 7 lb 15 oz and was 19 inches long. Mom was very happy to see her and thought she was dreaming at first.

Proud Mom and Dad in the hospital holding our little darling.

We had many visitors at the hospital including both Grandma and Grandpa's, Great Grandma, Angie, Dale, Jarret, Bianca, Amy, Danny, Chris, Lauren and Jennie. She was loved by all.

Sleeping away with my teddy bear. Who do you think I look like?

Tom Amanda and Isabella

With Isabella joining us on November 1st, we wanted to start a place to hold pictures and updates. We will update the page as often as possible so that family and friends that are not around as much as possible can see some of the experiences that we are having with our little princess.